Liste görünüm


Başa Dönmek İçin Tıklayın

Konu: Special relativity time and length 1 [IB Physics SL/HL]
Konu: Special relativity intro [IB Physics SL/HL]
Konu: Galilean transformations [IB Physics SL/HL]
Konu: Nuclear physics, decay and half life [IB Physics HL]
Konu: Heisenberg’s uncertainty equation [IB Physics HL]
Konu: Bohr and Schrodinger model [IB Physics HL]
Konu: Photoelectric effect [IB Physics HL]
Konu: Energy levels and quantised energy [IB Physics HL]
Konu: Capacitance 2 [IB Physics HL]
Konu: Capacitance 1 [IB Physics HL]